Sunday, April 25, 2010

Heidegger and the Tao

I recall that at about the time of his breakdown Heidegger began a translation of the Dao De Jing (German sometimes Tao Te King): while paths in the forest played a key role in his clandestine encounters with Hannah Arendt, "Dao" is often translated as "the path" or "the way".  Taoism was not originally a religion: its pantheon of gods came later. Taoism has no one clear author, but many Taoists advocated a quietism rather like that of the Heidegger who was waiting for the inevitable clash between Amerika and Russia.

I have begun some notes on Tony Kline's translation which should appear at

1 comment:

  1. There is a claim that "Der Weg", published from 1947 to 1957 in Buenos Aires by Dürer-Verlag had, I quote, "auch in Deutschland einen beträchtlichen Leserstamm besaß"
    (see Holger M. Meding, in his book ISBN 10: 3-932089-04-9) but I have not confirmed this claim; it might be telling if copies were in Heidegger's personal library.
