Sunday, November 7, 2010

Edmund Husserl versus Telescopium (Die Krisis der Eur'n Wiss'n)

Question: where in Krisis does Husserl indicate that he was aware that Galileo was looking through a spyclass at Venus and Jupiter and not through a Keplerian-style inverting refractor telescope?  My copy and the English translation are packed away in a box until that day when I again have some office space ...



The former was of particular value to artillery officers prior to the calculus;  see Galileo and the geometry of canon shots for best distance; see Husserl's naive stance on war during the early years of WWI (cp: B. Russell, same period)

See the use of optical transit with howitzer altititude and azimuth positioning through both Korea and Vietnam.

Transit and land surveying versus the forester's compass for the German managed woodlot: example, Marburg Lahntal opposite the old university in der naehe von Cappel.

Compare: GPS and digital alt-az encoders.

Google books Krisis
Google books Crisis

Historical note: Kepler's "observations" are not chiefly with a telescope. Cf: later use of "zenith telescope" and the last precision US Navy zenith telescope and its reliance on mechanics for its optical precision.

vide perspicillum

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